Plan a rectangular-shaped building that has three side entrance of North, South and West. As in general the Catholic Church that was built before the Second Vatican Council , where the seating extends to the back of the race. The foundation of stone, with a system of wall structure and the room carrying a large column-free. Some natural stone walls coated. Construction mejemuk Limasan shaped roof, covered with tile.
At the height of the tower there Limasan are coated with metal plates. There is thickening of the wall and form a parapet. Wide eaves. Porch entrance located on each section. Porch shaded by a roof which blends with the main building, and not supported by columns or console. Entrance has a double leaf doors with a panel of thick wood. Lighting can get into the building directly.
Before the wake of the Church, the area is used as the office of the Dutch Health Service (Dienst voor Volks Gezeondheid) . In 1926 the area was purchased by the board of the Church to be used as the location of the third parish church. Stasi was later appointed as the seat of the bishop.
1937 held refurbishment and expansion of the Cathedral, as written in the letter of the Bishop of Batavia, dated December 20, 1937 to Fr PC who served temporarily as Kerk-en Armbestuur. On August 9, 1940 in Central Java as vikarist apostolic inaugurated under the leadership of Mgr.A.Soegijopranoto, SJ as the first archbishop in Indonesia. St.Perawan Church Mary Queen of Holy Rosary Cathedral was appointed.
To reach the cathedral church is fairly easy. If you are less familiar with the city of Semarang , you can use the public transportation that passes through Tugu Muda region. The church is located in the southern area of Tugu Muda .
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