Thursday, March 3, 2011

Gamelan, Orchestra Van Java

Who says people do not know java orchestra? Long before the Europeans arrived, the ancestor of the Indonesian nation has mempraktikannya. Since the time of the dynasty dynasty in the 8th century AD, ancestors of the Indonesian people are familiar with and play various musical instruments together and then better known as a gamelan.

Gamelan is an integral part of various musical elements are realized and sounded together. The word comes from the Javanese Gamelan 'gamel' which means hitting, followed by the suffix ' -AN 'which makes it a noun.

Gamelan is very easy to find in almost all parts of Java island. Of course there are some differences between one region to another due to cultural processes. Gamelan developed in Semarang is a Javanese gamelan. In addition to Java, gamelan can also be met in Madura, Bali, Lombok, etc. Of these, Javanese gamelan is believed to be the oldest and the origin of the gamelan in other areas.

Occurrences gamelan culture preceded by Hindu -Buddhist dominated Indonesia, especially Java, in the early days of recording history. Instrument developed to shape up like this in the days of the Majapahit Kingdom. The only Indian influence in gamelan music is how to sing it.

The description of the first gamelan was found at the Borobudur Temple , Magelang, Central Java, built in the 8th century. Musical instruments such as bamboo flutes, bells, kendhang in various sizes, harp, stringed musical instrument that swiped and learned, is found in the relief. However, little is found elements of metal musical instruments. However, relief of the instrument is said to be the origin of the gamelan.

In his book ' Music in Java 'Jaap Kunst, a Dutch leading ethnomusicology, gamelan is only comparable to illustrate two things: moonlight and flowing water. "Gamelan is comparable to only two Things, moonlight and flowing water. ... Mysterious like moonlight and always changing like flowing water ...", so he wrote.
Gamelan is an integral part in almost all activities of arts and culture of Java, such as leather puppet show, Kethoprak, dance performances, uyon-uyon (singing performing arts), etc.. Gamelan music performances can be staged as a separate or as background music in a show. As a performance, gamelan music is usually combined with the sound of the Javanese singers (male singers and female singers called wiraswara called waranggana).

A set of gamelan consist of various musical instruments and each instrument has a different function. The main component of constituent instrument of gamelan music is dominated by elements of metal, bamboo and wood. Musical instruments making up the gamelan, namely: Kendang, Saron, Bonang Barung, Bonang successor, Slentem, Gender, Gambang, Gong, kempul, Kenong, Ketug, Clempung, Siter, Flute, Rebab, Bedug, Keprak and Kepyak.

Gamelan orchestra tuning and making is a complex process. Gamelan using a four- way tuning , namely SLA © ndro , pa © log , "Degung" (special area of Sunda, or West Java), and "madenda" (also known as the diatonic, the same as the original minor scale that is widely used in Europe.
Slendro has five basic tones with a small interval difference. While pelog has seven basic tone with a big difference intervals. Gamelan music compositions created by some rules, which consist of several rounds and pathet, bordered by one gongan and the melody was created within the unit that consists of 4 tones

Gamelan is one of the cultures that have been recognized internationally and performed on five continents. Even the UN has set as a cultural heritage that must be protected and preserved.

To enjoy Orchestra Van Java , you can visit the House Ki Narto Sabdho, complex Taman Budaya Raden Saleh (TBRS) Jl. Sriwijaya No.29 Semarang, every Saturday night. In TBRS you can meyaksikan Gamelan and Wayang performances are played by groups of Wayang (WO) Ngesti Pandowo.



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